I feel honored to have won the gold award for “I Saw and Eagle Fly”, and excited to be the first female to receive the award from Western Artists of America at the Pearce Western Art Museum.
This is a portrait of Aaron, he is the grandson of the late world famous artist Doc Tate Nevaquaya.. “Aaron’s grandfather was very accomplished and traveled the world, I feel Aaron will be the next Doc Tate”, Audrey Whitefeather, mother of Aaron.
In the 1970s, the Metropolitan Museum of Art came to Apache, Oklahoma and did a documentary about Doc Nevaquaya and his flutes. Charles Kuralt has visited him for CBS. He has appeared at the Smithsonian Institution, as well as in concerts and lectures throughout Europe and the Far East. After Doc received the National Heritage Fellowship Award, he received letters of recognition and congratulations from former President Reagan.
The Comanche people took pride in their hair, which was worn long and rarely cut. They arranged their hair with porcupine quill brushes, greased it and parted it in the center from the forehead to the back of the neck. They painted the scalp along the parting with yellow, red, or white clay (or other colors). They wore their hair in two long braids tied with leather thongs or colored cloth, and sometimes wrapped with beaver fur. They also braided a strand of hair from the top of their head. This slender braid, called a scalp lock, was decorated with colored scraps of cloth and beads, and a single feather.
- Original Painting SOLD
- Limited Edition Giclée Prints – 16 x 20
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